Tuesday, July 1, 2008

2 Days Later...

For every puff of a cigarette, it is said that you lose one minute of your life.

One minute.

For every puff.

I think I lost about a couple of years.

Cigarettes and Mahjong - killer combo

So I decided to quit smoking. Not because it's bad for the health, it's because it's just getting too damn expensive. I've calculated, I buy cigarettes for RM8.20 which would last me two to three days during the week and a day during the weekend. That's a whooping 150+ bucks that I spend solely on cigarettes for a month!

I remember back in the days when I started smoking, cigarettes used to be cheap and cost like...5 bucks. Now smoking has become part of the luxurious lifestyle and I for one will not buy into this culture. I shall quit when I'm ahead. And it's good to have friends beside you who want to quit as well. Just so there's a check every now and then. Good support system.

So how am I doing it? Cold turkey. I smoked my last cigarette on the 30th of June at exactly 11.35PM. It's been over 24 hours and I think I'm doing well. I'm replacing an addiction with another addiction - eating ChaCheer Kua Chi (Sunflower seeds) and now I have a sore throat.

Gosh darn it, I'm in desperate need of a cigarette.


Life is Beautiful said...

keep it up, my friend! you can make it!

Jin said...

lol. that's cheap o.o

SG costs like SG$10 - 15 per pack.

but all in all, it's good to quit. cost, health, everything, bad. x(

you could eat chewing gums instead. xD

goodluck. =)