Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Casual Nonsense

It's been a while since I updated anything. I had my blog opened a couple of times but I can't seem to get my thoughts out and put them in writing.

I volunteered at a sexuality diversity event here in Kuala Lumpur and it went well. Made a couple of friends and met a lot of new people.

And here's a long awaited update on my love life, which is pretty much non-existent. I got hit on by several guys during the event but none of which I was interested in. My sex drive has gone down to zero ever since my epiphany with my ex. Also I think it's because I've been hanging out with a bunch of lesbians which has made me feel so a-sexual. Garrr!

My graduation ceremony is this week Saturday.

One of my many uncles and aunts are coming down from London.

What else?

Oh, and 'apparently' I'm PMSing.


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