Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Screw You LTL

Take a stand Malaysians.

The time is now for the Rakyat (the people) to stand up against the government. Not only have they detained Raja Petra, Teresa Kok and Tan Hoon Cheng under the Internal Security Act without any trials, they are now trying to form a new Act among racial lines.

Marina Lee, Raja Petra's wife @ Bukit Aman

I hate to blog about politics and usually steer clear away from them when I'm writing but I am appalled and angered by such atrocities.

When I found out about the arrests of the detainees last week Friday, it was a shock to me. The government was trying to silence the voices that report the truth. Our press is being forced into being pro-government and this is the tactic they use to re-inforce their propaganda.

Do they really think the public is that stupid?

Vigil @ Bloghouse; stressed by the fact that we are governed by idiots, we lit cigarettes as well as candles.

So on Saturday I went for the vigil in Bukit Aman. And on Sunday I went for the impromptu vigil in Bloghouse. And on Monday I went for the Pakatan Rakyat mass gathering. I thought there would be a slight change of how things were being handled but now they are discussing a new Act to govern racial relations.

Pakatan Rakyat mass gathering: Anwar's Speech

How is this going to solve racial relations?!?!?

To believe that arresting people and silencing them without trial is already sick enough, but to create a new Act in which anyone could be arrested along the lines of racial disturbances is just wrong. Isn't it enough that Malaysia has disgusting acts such as the Emergency Order and the ISA?

I for one will not fall into the trap that someone up there in BN has set for the public and I strongly urge the people not to fall among this racial trap as well. We should stand together for what it's worth.

I will lend my support where-ever it is needed.

Because I am Polar.

And I am part of the people.

And screw you Liow Tiong Lai for coming up with this.

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