Sunday, October 12, 2008

Shooting And Plotzing

The weekend seemed to have passed in such a hurry. I did not even seem to have gotten any sleep throughout the days.

Then again there's no rest for the wicked.

Last night was a splendidly random. I went for dinner at Little Paris in SS2, food there is yummers, then out of no where a couple of friends and I decided to take a trip down to PutraJaya. I decided in my head to bring my camera as well as some props; a spontaneous photo shoot.

I love random photo shoots. The last one I did was at a playground during Hungry Ghost Festival, and I followed the theme and played around with the colours during Photoshop.

This time around, I wanted to fuse architecture and death and ghouls together. So I grabbed my Venetian mask, the Japanese robe I got from Cambodia (Why it was sold there? Don't ask me), the paddy field straw hats and my huge ass red fan. I don't think I did a good job but it was fun playing around with angles and stuff.

I also wanted to write a story along with the shots I took but I have work tomorrow and I'm too lazy to write.

And it's getting late.

I should get some sleep before my hectic day tomorrow.

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