Saturday, February 9, 2008

Doing The Dishes

Happy Chinese New Year everyone! It's the festive time of the year for most people, visiting relatives, having dinner with the family, pretty much stuffing each others faces with biscuits, crackers and pastries.

With such holidays come a much needed time off for working men and women. So relaxing at home is a must, or if what you consider relaxing is a day out and getting drunk at night; no one's judging. I spent the first two days doing absolutely nothing except hanging out at home and at my uncle's palace-like bungalow somewhere in a village. I also went to some gaming sessions at the local internet cafe, where I come out red eyed and desperately searching for a bed I can rest my fatigued self on.

A certain incident came to my attention which I found extremely rude. No naming names or what happened, I rather not speak about it. But I seemed to notice a trend in some people, where they think of themselves so much that they lose track of what's important to them or what's going on. These are the people who are able to dish things out and are not able to stand it being thrown back at them.

People who call someone else stupid or lazy or tell someone off should be able to take in nasty comments from another person. This is expected when one grows up and matures. This is what I expect of people when they make nasty comments about anyone. If you're able to say someone is really annoying and say "I hate people who annoy me", then do not (under any circumstances) annoy anyone else.

This sort of mentality has gotten me pissed because I'm very patient with my friends and also very understanding but when one crosses the line and slams his fist on the table, that's pretty much my limit. If it was any other person, I don't think they would accept that.

I can't hold a mirror and tell them, this is you. That's not my job. I think that people should evaluate themselves to be a better person instead of being stuck in this sort of mentality of delusional self image (I am, therefore I am). Why can't people see past themselves and think, I can be better?

Despite whatever happened, I harbor no ill-feelings towards whomever. I just feel disappointed that the respect I have towards people aren't lived up to.

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