Sunday, May 14, 2006

Liquid Dreams

so liquid was fun! last night was the weirdest night ever, with claudia's birthday at mackers, my friend coming down from kuala trengganu, us getting high and mighty at liquid, etc etc. so let me start off by recapping what happened the whole day yesterday.

it started off with me procrastinating whether to hit the gym at 2PM in the afternoon, i was thinking well i should go but i'm dead tired from working out the whole week so i should reward myself with a little bit of time for myself. so i just lazed around my room for the rest of the afternoon. i also got a msg from Jason saying that he'll be coming down from KT and he'll probably reach at 8 something which was cool coz i had Claudia's party at macdonalds (yeah i see the irony, we're alittle bit too old for that) which was funny but quite dead. so Jason arrived and met up with all of us and so did Audrey and Caroline and we spent about an hour sitting there wondering whether we should leave them and head down to LQ or stick with them and try to get to know the rest of them. yeah we decided to ditch all of them and head for LQ.

so once we reached LQ we got a table and sat down to order our drinks when i noticed some weirdo looking in our direction. i didnt think much of it coz i mean we were lookin pretty hot that night, heh heh heh. so we drank and drank and drank and went to the toilet, drank, drank and went to the toilet, etc etc. this process was repeated about a couple of times, i think we all have bladders the size of walnuts. so yeah as i was coming out of the toilet with Audrey, the weirdo was there again and we had to pass by him to get to where we were seated and trust me this guy was a freak! he was wearing jeans, a skull imprinted black t-shirt tucked into his jeans and gelled hair, it was a scary sight. so kinda scared and kinda high i was holding on to my friend's hand for dear life hoping nothing would happen and then it happened. he slid his hand across my stomach and felt me up. yucks, gross, disgusting! ughh i had to shake the feeling off.

i bumped into a friend whom i havent seen in a very long time as well, he sounds like he's doing fine ^_^

oh right and i saw my ex's ex there as well. he was like staring/glaring at me and Jason, i didnt wanna say anything, i just tried to look away. he was on the phone most of the time for some unknown reason, i just hope he's not spying on me and reporting back to my ex like his other ex did. it was weird enough he knew my name and it was definitely weird that he would wanna say hello to me in the club. for what? to acknowledge the fact that he was there during the 10 months we've been apart? well he didnt need to do that, his pressence was already felt.

so all in all it was a good night, i havent clubbed or drank for ages! black label just tastes better when u're sober...

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