Sorry guys, I haven't exactly updated my blog in a while. Been happy and content with my life so there's not exactly much to complain about.
Been trying to get my gym schedule back but I've been feeling really lazy, especially after the one hour class of RPM (a.k.a. Spin Class) which really took it out of me. Pure cardio for about 2 1/2 hours can really take it out of a guy. I had to walk out half an hour through hip hop class just to catch my breath. And that night itself, I slept like a baby.
Well not entirely like a baby, I usually have sleepless nights where I wake up several times during the night for no apparent reason. I'm blaming it on the fact that my mind doesn't ever sleep. I have dreams almost everyday, most of which I only remember the moment when I'm about to head off to the land of subconsciousness.
The worst is when I get haunted by my little imperfections and the fact that I make a fool of myself during the span of which is called my life. I usually have to yelp it out so I can get it out of my system, something weird which I do moments before my body shuts down. I don't think anyone has that weird little habit, I have asked around and no one I know seems to have it. So maybe I am a little nuts, a few marbles short, some loose screws in my head.
I guess I am a little insane. Who isn't in this day and age?
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Mister Rude
Honestly, there are too many knuckleheads in Fridae. Why have I come to this conclusion? Well mostly because idiots (names omitted) have been adding me on MSN and bloody hell have no decency to even provide me with a proper profile. I understand if some people are "discreet" but do understand this, I am not. I am openly gay to anyone who cares and gives a damn. So please don't expect me to be nice when firstly you were rude and impolite. So hear me when I say this; Don't bother getting to know me when all you've got to offer is just complete utter stupidity.
Yes, as you can read from this post, it's the time of the month again. Working out in the gym hasn't exactly created endorphins for me, now I just get easily irritated and do obnoxiously rash actions that would have landed me in trouble if I wasn't so hugesque.
So for heaven's sake, for my sake and for your safety, please don't make me angry (insert forced smile here).
Yes, as you can read from this post, it's the time of the month again. Working out in the gym hasn't exactly created endorphins for me, now I just get easily irritated and do obnoxiously rash actions that would have landed me in trouble if I wasn't so hugesque.
So for heaven's sake, for my sake and for your safety, please don't make me angry (insert forced smile here).
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Writer's Block
As an aspiring writer (as of 1st March 2007), I'm experiencing a blockage in my creative side of the brain. I've recently started writing a narrative on the genre of horror and it used to be my forte, but I seem to have lost the gist for it.
True, I do dish out ChickLits but I think I do better in creating a frightening and menacing environment for the readers. I can't seem to think of how the plot would flow from where I stopped, and I just got off the phone where I was giving out ideas about a Women's Rights campaign. I guess that doesn't mean that there's an obstruction in creativity.
Maybe it's wordplay then. I seem to get stuck in my limited edition of vocabulary skills which isn't exactly great in my situation at the moment, since I'm starting my new semester and I'm taking up another Writing class (cause I thoroughly enjoyed the criticisms, the late nights, the stress) and I need my brain to be working properly at 150% through-out the whole semester.
I am looking forward to my new semester, at least I hope it could bring forth a new collection of ideas.
True, I do dish out ChickLits but I think I do better in creating a frightening and menacing environment for the readers. I can't seem to think of how the plot would flow from where I stopped, and I just got off the phone where I was giving out ideas about a Women's Rights campaign. I guess that doesn't mean that there's an obstruction in creativity.
Maybe it's wordplay then. I seem to get stuck in my limited edition of vocabulary skills which isn't exactly great in my situation at the moment, since I'm starting my new semester and I'm taking up another Writing class (cause I thoroughly enjoyed the criticisms, the late nights, the stress) and I need my brain to be working properly at 150% through-out the whole semester.
I am looking forward to my new semester, at least I hope it could bring forth a new collection of ideas.
Friday, July 13, 2007
In Every Rainbow There's A Silent Storm
Anticipating and waiting are two killer combos. Especially when exam results are being posted from 5-8 (GMT +10:00) and everyone's dying to see whether they've gotten a High Distinction for their subjects. One can practically hear the nail biting from miles away.
For me, I didn't want to see a Failure next to any of the subjects I took last semester. Much to my delight, not only did I manage to pass the worst ever subject I've ever come across, I manage to get a Distinction for my Writing class. Ecstatic, I jumped up and down, fell off my chair and started calling my friends to celebrate the fact that: I didn't fail any of my subjects.
So where to celebrate such an occasion? Why, Tony Romas of course! Firstly cause I've never been there and I heard the beef ribs there were to die for and it's near. So there I was, masticating on a piece of meat when I received an unexpected call from a friend Debs. Debbie was part of my study group for the nastiest subject called Cultural & Communications Policy and she basically brought me up to date on all the terminology and jargons, the Malaysian policies, etc. She taught me a lot. So what did 'lil miss Debbie want all the way from Melbourne? To gloat? Unfortunately her voice was rather upset and she asked me what I got for CCP. Telling her I managed to get a borderline pass, she broke down into tears and was apparently shocked that I managed to pass. Honestly, insults below the belt from a girl who's highly upset is unacceptable but I brushed it off aside.
She apparently flunked her subject and asked me what should she do, expecting me to be the King of all Failures and that of all people, I would know what to do. Well that was an unfortunate event. But made me feel better since I know I manage to do a much better job than she did.
So to top off the evening, I came home to 2 fully downloaded albums which I'm currently listening to and am absolutely heads over heels over.
Readers, here's a must-listen-to album that you guys have got to get your hands on.

Dolores O'Riordon - Are You Listening
(Only for Rock fans and people who loved The Cranberries & Dolores' haunting voice)
Tracks to look out for: Ordinary Day, Angel Fire, When We Were Young, Apple of My Eye.

Feist - The Reminder
(Those who love dinner music with a glass of wine, folk music, women with fantastic vocals)
This album is seriously fantastic. The whole CD comprises of marvelous folk music that will go great with a couple of drinks with friends, in your car when you're driving and it's definitely good for Morning music.
Favourite Tracks: Past In Present, So Sorry, The Water, My Moon My Man, I Feel It All, etc etc.
Seriously folks, I ain't getting any money from them so this isn't considered advertising (well it can be considered UNPAID advertising).
I just got a call from Eric telling me he's got free tickets to LQ's Sports Party event or something along the lines of that. Of course I gotta go, it'll be rude if I don't turn up right?
It's been an awesome day. Nothing can kill this buzz.
For me, I didn't want to see a Failure next to any of the subjects I took last semester. Much to my delight, not only did I manage to pass the worst ever subject I've ever come across, I manage to get a Distinction for my Writing class. Ecstatic, I jumped up and down, fell off my chair and started calling my friends to celebrate the fact that: I didn't fail any of my subjects.
So where to celebrate such an occasion? Why, Tony Romas of course! Firstly cause I've never been there and I heard the beef ribs there were to die for and it's near. So there I was, masticating on a piece of meat when I received an unexpected call from a friend Debs. Debbie was part of my study group for the nastiest subject called Cultural & Communications Policy and she basically brought me up to date on all the terminology and jargons, the Malaysian policies, etc. She taught me a lot. So what did 'lil miss Debbie want all the way from Melbourne? To gloat? Unfortunately her voice was rather upset and she asked me what I got for CCP. Telling her I managed to get a borderline pass, she broke down into tears and was apparently shocked that I managed to pass. Honestly, insults below the belt from a girl who's highly upset is unacceptable but I brushed it off aside.
She apparently flunked her subject and asked me what should she do, expecting me to be the King of all Failures and that of all people, I would know what to do. Well that was an unfortunate event. But made me feel better since I know I manage to do a much better job than she did.
So to top off the evening, I came home to 2 fully downloaded albums which I'm currently listening to and am absolutely heads over heels over.
Readers, here's a must-listen-to album that you guys have got to get your hands on.

Dolores O'Riordon - Are You Listening
(Only for Rock fans and people who loved The Cranberries & Dolores' haunting voice)
Tracks to look out for: Ordinary Day, Angel Fire, When We Were Young, Apple of My Eye.

Feist - The Reminder
(Those who love dinner music with a glass of wine, folk music, women with fantastic vocals)
This album is seriously fantastic. The whole CD comprises of marvelous folk music that will go great with a couple of drinks with friends, in your car when you're driving and it's definitely good for Morning music.
Favourite Tracks: Past In Present, So Sorry, The Water, My Moon My Man, I Feel It All, etc etc.
Seriously folks, I ain't getting any money from them so this isn't considered advertising (well it can be considered UNPAID advertising).
I just got a call from Eric telling me he's got free tickets to LQ's Sports Party event or something along the lines of that. Of course I gotta go, it'll be rude if I don't turn up right?
It's been an awesome day. Nothing can kill this buzz.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
A Dedication To Robert Yeoh
Even though I do not know you
Still a part of me is saddened by your passing
Thank you for all the work that you've done
A dream for us, you've made into reality
A place in heaven, for you is secured
You've done a great deal for the LGBT community
My condolences for your family and friends
Although your body is not in this world
You will still live on
In our hearts
In our minds
A part of us
Rest in peace Robert Yeoh
Still a part of me is saddened by your passing
Thank you for all the work that you've done
A dream for us, you've made into reality
A place in heaven, for you is secured
You've done a great deal for the LGBT community
My condolences for your family and friends
Although your body is not in this world
You will still live on
In our hearts
In our minds
A part of us
Rest in peace Robert Yeoh
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Play My Station (PMS Overdrive)
I'm angry. To think that I've gone past the years of being a teenager filled with angst towards the world has made me realize that I'm no longer an angry teenager, but an enraged and fuming mad adult.
When we were in our teens, we could be annoyed at everything and blame it all on our stage of puberty and the fact that our hormones are raging. My hormones don't rage, sure they get mad at each other but then they just stop speaking to one another. Sarcasm. With each passing year, our Sarcasm skill levels up and we upgrade our Irony Armour along with our Swords of Derision.
Why am I relating our teenage selves to Role Playing Games? Because I just trashed my PS2 whilst I was FF12ing. It took me 2 weeks to get it fixed and a month later it goes haywire on me. So with a power slap straight onto the motherboard, It cracked in half and I'm now officially PS2-less as well as ANGRY .
I can't get away with being infuriated anymore. I'm supposed to be grown up and matured and at peace with the world. Well to hell with that.
I'm PISSED! Leave me alone!
When we were in our teens, we could be annoyed at everything and blame it all on our stage of puberty and the fact that our hormones are raging. My hormones don't rage, sure they get mad at each other but then they just stop speaking to one another. Sarcasm. With each passing year, our Sarcasm skill levels up and we upgrade our Irony Armour along with our Swords of Derision.
Why am I relating our teenage selves to Role Playing Games? Because I just trashed my PS2 whilst I was FF12ing. It took me 2 weeks to get it fixed and a month later it goes haywire on me. So with a power slap straight onto the motherboard, It cracked in half and I'm now officially PS2-less as well as ANGRY .
I can't get away with being infuriated anymore. I'm supposed to be grown up and matured and at peace with the world. Well to hell with that.
I'm PISSED! Leave me alone!
Monday, July 2, 2007
Breathe In Now
"A house is not a home when there's no one there to hold you tight and no one there you can kiss Goodnight..." (Luther Vandross)

Say Hi to the pregnant cat at Chap's.
Listening to very sad oldies has rendered me emo. I absolutely love retro music as I grew up listening to The Platters, The Carpenters (whom I absolutely love), Cyndi Lauper, Jefferson Starship, Tears for Fears to name drop a few. I'm glad that the music from the 70s and 80s
are making a comeback but I have yet to listen to a good re-make of the retro hits, apart from Madonna but that's a whole different ballgame right there.
Today, M&I stumbled across this fantastic bar which is relatively new and they were pumping out hits from the 80s and they serve Midori Illusions. Quite a surprise to see it tucked away in the corner of this new rising area in TTDI. Fantastic music, good drinks, not many pushers
and shove-ees, what more can a guy ask for? A few fans outside could possibly bring a wider smile across my face as I was melting away in the stuffiness and the heat of the night.
I would say I'm an old soul. I guess that's why I get along with people older than I and the younger crowd like my University mates are intimidated by me, or maybe it's because I'm 23 and I'm surrounded by boys and girls who call each other "dudes" and "chica". Sense the note of sarcasm and derision in my open and closed inverted comas.
I used to work for an events company which had posted me to supervise events during weekends at Zouk (Shook as the Chinese pronounce it) and I would get to see these kids who hang around outside smoking and desperately trying to get in by calling their contacts. Giving them the eye, I would usually walk off shaking my head and smiling to myself. I was one of them before. Used to go out clubbing at the tender age of 15, sneak into bars and pubs and get drunk but never making a mess out of myself. Those were the days. I hardly club anymore. Only on special occasions or if I'm forced to, which is highly unlikely since everyone around me knows how anti-social I am in clubs without several shots of whiskey running through my veins.
So now I sit in pubs, sip my half manly/girly drink and enjoy the music from my past. Seriously, what more can a guy of my stature ask for?
Say Hi to the pregnant cat at Chap's.
Listening to very sad oldies has rendered me emo. I absolutely love retro music as I grew up listening to The Platters, The Carpenters (whom I absolutely love), Cyndi Lauper, Jefferson Starship, Tears for Fears to name drop a few. I'm glad that the music from the 70s and 80s
are making a comeback but I have yet to listen to a good re-make of the retro hits, apart from Madonna but that's a whole different ballgame right there.
Today, M&I stumbled across this fantastic bar which is relatively new and they were pumping out hits from the 80s and they serve Midori Illusions. Quite a surprise to see it tucked away in the corner of this new rising area in TTDI. Fantastic music, good drinks, not many pushers
and shove-ees, what more can a guy ask for? A few fans outside could possibly bring a wider smile across my face as I was melting away in the stuffiness and the heat of the night.
I would say I'm an old soul. I guess that's why I get along with people older than I and the younger crowd like my University mates are intimidated by me, or maybe it's because I'm 23 and I'm surrounded by boys and girls who call each other "dudes" and "chica". Sense the note of sarcasm and derision in my open and closed inverted comas.
I used to work for an events company which had posted me to supervise events during weekends at Zouk (Shook as the Chinese pronounce it) and I would get to see these kids who hang around outside smoking and desperately trying to get in by calling their contacts. Giving them the eye, I would usually walk off shaking my head and smiling to myself. I was one of them before. Used to go out clubbing at the tender age of 15, sneak into bars and pubs and get drunk but never making a mess out of myself. Those were the days. I hardly club anymore. Only on special occasions or if I'm forced to, which is highly unlikely since everyone around me knows how anti-social I am in clubs without several shots of whiskey running through my veins.
So now I sit in pubs, sip my half manly/girly drink and enjoy the music from my past. Seriously, what more can a guy of my stature ask for?
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