Wednesday, October 15, 2008


When one enters a room full of people with strong and different personalities, there would definitely be heads that butt each other, bitchiness, snide comments and the worst of it all; politics.

It all starts with just one unpleasant person.

One person to stir shit up for the whole team.

One person to wreak harmony between colleagues.

Just one.

In the team that I'm working in right now there are 3 unpleasant people. So you can imagine what sort of shite the team goes through.

A bitch who doesn't know when to shut her trap, brags about the fact that she knows my boss and gives people looks of dis-approval. Given the opportunity, she would talk endlessly about how she is better than others and even when no one is speaking to her, she would butt into conversations despite not knowing what we're talking about.

A bastard who if BFFs with the bitch and is a complete waste of time and space. No one understands his "jokes" and is an opportunist, given the fact that he's my supervisor's personal ASSistant and told her personally that he does not want to shifted around jobs in my team so he could have that ounce of power over people. I found out today that the feeling is mutual between him and I and he has been bitching behind my back (about what I have yet to find out) like the dog that he is.

An asshole who does not take initiative to do any work, who's always slowing down the team and because of him, the whole team has to stay back till about 6 - 6.45PM when work finishes at 4. He passes work to other people and doesn't seem to understand simple english.

These three people are on my list.

I am going to avoid talking to these three people as much as possible. Less things to talk about, less conflict. So I'm going to be happy with the people I work with, be efficient, helpful whenever I can and ignore fuckers so I don't have to deal with them.

See no evil and speak to no evil.

By the way, did I mention this is my 3rd week on the job?

The horror.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Shooting And Plotzing

The weekend seemed to have passed in such a hurry. I did not even seem to have gotten any sleep throughout the days.

Then again there's no rest for the wicked.

Last night was a splendidly random. I went for dinner at Little Paris in SS2, food there is yummers, then out of no where a couple of friends and I decided to take a trip down to PutraJaya. I decided in my head to bring my camera as well as some props; a spontaneous photo shoot.

I love random photo shoots. The last one I did was at a playground during Hungry Ghost Festival, and I followed the theme and played around with the colours during Photoshop.

This time around, I wanted to fuse architecture and death and ghouls together. So I grabbed my Venetian mask, the Japanese robe I got from Cambodia (Why it was sold there? Don't ask me), the paddy field straw hats and my huge ass red fan. I don't think I did a good job but it was fun playing around with angles and stuff.

I also wanted to write a story along with the shots I took but I have work tomorrow and I'm too lazy to write.

And it's getting late.

I should get some sleep before my hectic day tomorrow.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Auto Mobility

A couple of months ago, I sold off my car because I didn't see a point in my family having 3 cars when petrol prices were increasing and my car was creating problems for me in terms of maintenance.

Today, I have a small pea-sized sense of regret because I've recently gotten a job that is quite far from my area. I have no means of travel; public transportation such as buses and trains are out of the question because there are no buses or trains around my area as well as where my office is located. So I have to rely on the notorious cabs in Malaysia.

My parents offered to get me a car, which I forcefully declined because honestly, I want to make it on my own. I know I'm not getting much but my 3 month plan is to move out of the house and rent my own place, and hopefully be able to survive within my earnings.

To be realistic and yet idealistic, I cannot rely on my parents forever. My fear of finances have already started to creep into my life and I rather not enhance it by taking a loan from my parents and pay them each month for next couple of years. If my parents are not around, I would not be able to get a loan from the bank in the first place so why should I take advantage of the situation now?

I'm filled with middle class guilt and I'm punishing myself through these means to be able to achieve what I can call my own in life. But somehow I feel like I'm going to give up and go back into my comfort zone of being taken care of by my parents.

Cabs take about 1/4 of my salary and it is unreliable, renting a car is too expensive, driving my parents car would take away my credibility at work, and I would have to get out at 4.30 in the morning to take public transportation.

I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't.
