Sunday, December 14, 2008
It's been good so far. I've never thought being away from a computer would be liberating.
I've recently been asked to send in a short story for possible publication. I haven't exactly gotten very far but I have a basic idea of what I want to write and how I want to write it. I spent the first half of yesterday writing lines and erasing them cause they were so trivial and boring.
I realized trying to transform an experience into words is hard, especially when you're trying desperately to hide the fact that it is your very own experience. I've been trying to tackle this angle by writing in a third person point of view but as a memoir. I suppose if it is not written correctly, it would fail miserably.
I'm hoping that my editors would like it, but knowing their artsy fartsy mentality, they would probably laugh at my feeble attempt to write.
Whilst I digress from writing, I've contacted Borneo Ink in hopes of getting a new tattoo. Once I get it, I'll discuss more about it.
As for now, it's back to the drawing board...and work tomorrow.
Monday blues always get the best of me.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The Lost Art of Writing
Today, I was heading out to the gym when I came across a letter addressed to me. I've never gotten letters, only bills under my name. As I was late and on the phone, I grabbed it and drove off to the gym. A couple of hours later I came back into my car and looked at the letter. It was still addressed to me. I know who wrote it but I can't seem to get over the fact that people write letters still. With our technological savvy-ness, who would have thought that people still write?
That got me thinking, when was the last time I wrote a letter. It was in Grade 4 and it was to my pen-pal...from...I can't even remember. To think about it even more, I have never really written a post-card and mailed it.
I love writing, but to actually sit down and write to someone personally, I don't think I can do that. I'm able to spill my guts and emotions out on this blog but I don't really think about my readers. I usually just write because I can and I want to. Not for people to read, but for my own personal development.
It's about time; I should write and mail something off.
Or maybe I'm just scared someone would read my chicken feet handwriting and laugh.
Ha ha.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
An Atrocious Little Play On Love
Throughout the first act, I was appalled. It was not the bad acting, but I was disgusted by how they were trying to dictate what family values are; heterosexual hierarchic Western ideologies on what families should be. You have the infamous skit called Lost In Transmission, where you get an insight into how "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus". What a load of crock. First of all, it stereotypes how women are emotional and are in need of constant attention whereas men are emotionally stagnant in relationships and need to be constantly reminded that they are in a relationship.
Then you have the whiny couple, who got married; the husband being the provider and the woman being the naggy emotional baggage that everyone seems to hate carrying. Repeating the lines "You've changed" about ten million times is excruciatingly painful for the ears and to watch the dramatic skit unfold itself is painstaking for the eyes. It was extremely cheesy and if I could, I would puke and shit at the same time on how bad it was.
Oh no. It doesn't stop there. If you think the first act was bad, I stayed till the end of the second act. It got worse from there.
You have a reworked blog entry by a guy from Singapore who's father had cancer. They reworked the entry (I hope they got permission) and called it I Am My Father's Son. It was a futile monologue that did not engage with the audience at all. On top of that I was so angry that they reworked someone else's work and put a storyline into it. YOU DO NOT DO THAT. That is just plagiarism and bad script-writing. Plus the creator pumped in words that were loaded with sympathetic connotations in order to captivate the audience. It sucked. Trust me, it really sucked.
Last but not least, you would think that there would be at least a little bit of artistic direction into this play, but no. There was not. They over-utilized the Hollywood feel-good movie blockbusters and had other stuff like the 30 year old woman who wanted her father's love and the girl who was angry at her mother for leaving the father and had cheese-filled lines like "I forgive you Mommy", just think of Britney Spears in Crossroads and you would get the idea.
This is the cherry on top of the icing, they used the phrase "I Love You" over 50 times. If I had learned anything from Writing 101 it was to Show and Not Tell. Now that is just bad writing and rude to deep-throat an audience for 110 minutes with "I Love You"s.
Since today is the last day of the play, I can't exactly advise anyone not to go anymore, but I would advise no one to go to another play directed, created OR produced by Colin Kirton.
No more abuse please Mr Kirton. My mind can not fathom how you created such atrocities.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sick & Tired
I'm currently down with a bad cold and cough. My body's still trying to adjust to the early mornings and constant contact with sick refugees and asylum seekers. For the past 2 to 3 weeks, I've gotten an eye infection, a severe case of food poisoning (thanks to Original Kayu at Aman Suria and their Paper Tosik) and fever and now this. Gar. I hate being sick.
In the mean time, I've been trying to brush up my photography and Photoshop skills. Check this out.
I also took quite a few photos at the Transsexual Beauty Pageant organized by Pink Triangle Foundation held at Flamingo Hotel.
The photos can be seen here.
I'm loving Miss USA. She's my visual orgasm.
Anyway, I've been uploading quite a bit on my Facebook account. I think I should stop for now and concentrate on more serious stuff.
But what?
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
It all starts with just one unpleasant person.
One person to stir shit up for the whole team.
One person to wreak harmony between colleagues.
Just one.
In the team that I'm working in right now there are 3 unpleasant people. So you can imagine what sort of shite the team goes through.
A bitch who doesn't know when to shut her trap, brags about the fact that she knows my boss and gives people looks of dis-approval. Given the opportunity, she would talk endlessly about how she is better than others and even when no one is speaking to her, she would butt into conversations despite not knowing what we're talking about.
A bastard who if BFFs with the bitch and is a complete waste of time and space. No one understands his "jokes" and is an opportunist, given the fact that he's my supervisor's personal ASSistant and told her personally that he does not want to shifted around jobs in my team so he could have that ounce of power over people. I found out today that the feeling is mutual between him and I and he has been bitching behind my back (about what I have yet to find out) like the dog that he is.
An asshole who does not take initiative to do any work, who's always slowing down the team and because of him, the whole team has to stay back till about 6 - 6.45PM when work finishes at 4. He passes work to other people and doesn't seem to understand simple english.
These three people are on my list.
I am going to avoid talking to these three people as much as possible. Less things to talk about, less conflict. So I'm going to be happy with the people I work with, be efficient, helpful whenever I can and ignore fuckers so I don't have to deal with them.
By the way, did I mention this is my 3rd week on the job?
The horror.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Shooting And Plotzing
Then again there's no rest for the wicked.
Last night was a splendidly random. I went for dinner at Little Paris in SS2, food there is yummers, then out of no where a couple of friends and I decided to take a trip down to PutraJaya. I decided in my head to bring my camera as well as some props; a spontaneous photo shoot.
I love random photo shoots. The last one I did was at a playground during Hungry Ghost Festival, and I followed the theme and played around with the colours during Photoshop.
This time around, I wanted to fuse architecture and death and ghouls together. So I grabbed my Venetian mask, the Japanese robe I got from Cambodia (Why it was sold there? Don't ask me), the paddy field straw hats and my huge ass red fan. I don't think I did a good job but it was fun playing around with angles and stuff.
I also wanted to write a story along with the shots I took but I have work tomorrow and I'm too lazy to write.
And it's getting late.
I should get some sleep before my hectic day tomorrow.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Auto Mobility
Today, I have a small pea-sized sense of regret because I've recently gotten a job that is quite far from my area. I have no means of travel; public transportation such as buses and trains are out of the question because there are no buses or trains around my area as well as where my office is located. So I have to rely on the notorious cabs in Malaysia.
My parents offered to get me a car, which I forcefully declined because honestly, I want to make it on my own. I know I'm not getting much but my 3 month plan is to move out of the house and rent my own place, and hopefully be able to survive within my earnings.
To be realistic and yet idealistic, I cannot rely on my parents forever. My fear of finances have already started to creep into my life and I rather not enhance it by taking a loan from my parents and pay them each month for next couple of years. If my parents are not around, I would not be able to get a loan from the bank in the first place so why should I take advantage of the situation now?
I'm filled with middle class guilt and I'm punishing myself through these means to be able to achieve what I can call my own in life. But somehow I feel like I'm going to give up and go back into my comfort zone of being taken care of by my parents.
Cabs take about 1/4 of my salary and it is unreliable, renting a car is too expensive, driving my parents car would take away my credibility at work, and I would have to get out at 4.30 in the morning to take public transportation.
I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
The 4 Pinnacles
Being one and
All I am
I am the sinner
Searching for my
Realm of peace
I am learning
Burning past all
Faults and lies
I am drifting
Passing through the
Lake of pain
Far away
Clouded away
Floating away
Souled away
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Screw You LTL
The time is now for the Rakyat (the people) to stand up against the government. Not only have they detained Raja Petra, Teresa Kok and Tan Hoon Cheng under the Internal Security Act without any trials, they are now trying to form a new Act among racial lines.
I hate to blog about politics and usually steer clear away from them when I'm writing but I am appalled and angered by such atrocities.
When I found out about the arrests of the detainees last week Friday, it was a shock to me. The government was trying to silence the voices that report the truth. Our press is being forced into being pro-government and this is the tactic they use to re-inforce their propaganda.
Do they really think the public is that stupid?
How is this going to solve racial relations?!?!?
To believe that arresting people and silencing them without trial is already sick enough, but to create a new Act in which anyone could be arrested along the lines of racial disturbances is just wrong. Isn't it enough that Malaysia has disgusting acts such as the Emergency Order and the ISA?
I for one will not fall into the trap that someone up there in BN has set for the public and I strongly urge the people not to fall among this racial trap as well. We should stand together for what it's worth.
I will lend my support where-ever it is needed.
Because I am Polar.
And I am part of the people.
And screw you Liow Tiong Lai for coming up with this.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Bubble Trouble
Malaysia is a multi-cultural marketing gimmick focused into bringing tourists to believe that the ethnicities here are all happy living with each other - Truly Asia.
But deep inside every individual is the knowledge that racial issues here are predominant; it's in our politics, in our newspaper, heck it's even living next to us. A majority of us do not even seem to be bothered about this fact and it is apparent with the complacence of society.
I talked to my parents today about Ahmad Ismail's warning to the Chinese. This is what he said:
"I urge the Chinese not to become like the Jewish in America, where it is not enough that they control the economy, but they also want to dominate politics," Ahmad told a news conference late Monday in northern Penang state.
"Consider this a warning from the Malays," Ahmad said. "The patience of the Malays has a limit. Do not push us against the wall, for we will be forced to turn back and push the Chinese for our own survival."
I'm not quite sure about the rest of the population, but I for one am offended. Being part of the Chinese minority in Malaysia, I don't think I should stand for this sort of racial nonsense.
Why are people like this IN our political arena? It's alright to listen to opinions and rethink whatever values we have and to push for it but to threaten an ethnic minority?
I've got only one thing to say to him and his party.
Kiss my bubbly Chinese ass.
Tears Are Like Wet Poems
And now, I have no idea why but tears seems to keep pouring out from my eyes and it runs down my cheeks like hot coals.
I'm not sad or anything. I don't feel like my heart is in pain. I don't feel anything but I have no idea why these watery pellets are shooting out from my eyes. And to be totally honest I'm really not thinking about any of my exes. Probably Derrick but he didn't really make much of a significant impact on me to make me feel like this.
Seriously I'm pouring buckets. I have no idea why.
Maybe a guy needs to just cry.
Cry for the sake of it.
Cry to let it out.
Cry to release.
Or maybe I'm just insane.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Monash - Evil Money Sucking Machine
I have.
In fact I have to pay a whooping RM500 in order to attend my graduation ceremony (which is in a couple of hours). Monash University Malaysia is an evil corporate money sucking machine and it's their last chance to siphon money out from their students before they send them off to fend for themselves in the real world.
Graduation has been ritualized and now every proud parent of a student would love to watch the 1 minute act of their child going up on stage, shake the hand of the Chancellor, smile and walk off.
Even despite my rage against the evil conglomerates and instead of graduating in absentia in Australia, I wanted to give my parents that moment.
Once I applied for graduation, I've been asked every single week on when my graduation date is, what time does it start, how many tickets do I get, etc etc. I am not impressed by their lack of memory or attention.
As time draws closer to doomsday, I am again asked the details of my graduation. "It starts at 3, I don't have the tickets, I will be there at 12.30 to collect my gown, it will be until 5 and if you want to take portrait photos it will be a long line so line up early".
My Chinese parents apparently have a friend's wedding anniversary to attend to, so they want to come late. My flesh and blood sister wants to go to the gym and will wait for my parents to pick her up instead of accompanying me to get my gown. My uncle and aunt from London want to take portrait photos to show my other uncles and aunts but since they don't have tickets, my parents asked them to come around 5.30.
Did I mention that these people are all related to me?
The only person whom I can tolerate at the moment is my grandpapa. He's feeling a lot better since his visit to the hospital and I'm glad he can make it to my graduation.
Monash has already given me so much grief.
I just need to borrow a little more strength to endure tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Casual Nonsense
I volunteered at a sexuality diversity event here in Kuala Lumpur and it went well. Made a couple of friends and met a lot of new people.
And here's a long awaited update on my love life, which is pretty much non-existent. I got hit on by several guys during the event but none of which I was interested in. My sex drive has gone down to zero ever since my epiphany with my ex. Also I think it's because I've been hanging out with a bunch of lesbians which has made me feel so a-sexual. Garrr!
My graduation ceremony is this week Saturday.
One of my many uncles and aunts are coming down from London.
What else?
Oh, and 'apparently' I'm PMSing.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
And these are the words from a drunkard.
I just came back home fr0m a hectic yet pleasant night out with friends.
First I had to go to a friend's birthday thingy where I met my ex-lecturer and we had a good chat about everything. It was good to see him outside of his element.
Then I had to mosey on to the local watering hole; this friend's "farewell" thingy.
And I think I made some of my friends fall for me.
Like I don't have enough drama in my life.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Kindred Connections
That got me thinking about the kindest thing I've done.
Back when I was working in 65, a local watering hole, I used to head to this dodgy park after work to meet up with friends or cruise around with my favourite songs watching cute guys stroll the area. I would also try to strike up conversations with them when times were right.
Even despite his unlikely tale, I sensed despair and kindness in his tone of voice so I offered him a lift back to his hotel in KL. He said he stayed in Hotel Negara located somewhere near Petaling Street. I'm not really familiar with the streets of KL so I decided to just drive around until he recognizes his hotel. It also hit me that he was wandering there for 4 hours without food or water so I asked him whether he was thirsty and I popped into a nearby 7-11 to get him a large bottle of 100Plus and mineral water for him. He was very thankful and gulped down half the 1 litre of 100Plus and continued to tell me his tale of his friend. Apparently he came to KL for him and the dude was obviously not interested and dumped him in the most dodgy-est area known to gay men.
I finally found his hotel after half an hour of searching and I dropped him off. I insisted he take the liquids I bought for him but he thanked me so many times and refuse to take the bottle of unopened mineral water. It was late so I didn't want to argue, so I wrote my number on a piece of paper and handed it to him. I told him that if he needed help, he could always give me a ring. I knew at that moment when I handed him my number, I would never see this person ever again. And I was right.
Despite all of this, I am blessed that he didn't turn out to be a killer or some robber. I also felt good that I did an act of kindness and hoped for nothing in return...except for him to be kind to other people as well.
I do believe in the good in people. That is why I will do my best to help them.
And I hope that people would pay it forward.
Seeing him lay there with a plastic tube inserted into his arm, I couldn't help but feel a wave of sadness come over me. I bit my lower lip to fight back the tears. But my family doesn't seem to think it's a big thing. Maybe it's just me; seeing him weak and resting on the hospital bed hit me hard.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I went to Market Place tonight, hoping I would have fun and not worry about what's bothering me these past few weeks.
It was great! I drank, I had fun and I am drunk.
I realized that I'm still attractive to the same sex as I caught a lot of people eye-Raping me when I was sitting down drinking and dancing wildly on the dance floor. I still got it!
Anyway, I bumped into my ex whilst walking down to the dance floor and I must say, I didn't have any feelings what-so-ever. I must commend myself. I am finally over this person.
I saw him. I saw his boyfriend walking after him. And I I'm never going to be his carpet ever again. No longer will I walk after him like a dog. That torch has been passed on to another soul. May the God of Tolerance bless him.
I am finally free of any constraint that love has casted upon me.
I have my closure.
I am now free.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Thursday, August 7, 2008
I applied for jobs overseas (S. Korea and Taiwan) teaching English cause I don't know what else I can do. Secondly because I don't foresee myself working in Malaysia at all - it's just not the place for me, no matter how much I love this place.
About a week ago, my resume got rejected from Berlitz Korea because I did not hold a Native English passport. Just because I hold a Malaysian passport, I was not even qualified to apply for a visa there.
Today, my resume got rejected from Berlitz Taiwan; also because I hold a Malaysian passport. Am I forever cursed to work here?
Malaysia will always be my home, don't get me wrong, but 'tis not the place for me to flourish.
And oh, I picked up smoking again...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On a Wednesday morning...
I sit here and ponder about life and my failures.
At the age of 24, I should be happy. But instead I wrap myself with misery and despair.
I've been hurt so many times, I should feel numb. But with each heartbreak that comes along with break ups, I writhe on the floor in pain as hot coals run down my cheeks.
After knowing that I've graduated, I should find a job. But with each passing second, I feel lost and I do not see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I spoke about it briefly to my friends. But I cannot seem to pour my thoughts and emotions because I feel they should not burden themselves with my problems.
What am I to do? I seek for answers that no one are able to fathom.
So I do what I do best.
Avoid the problems.
Erase the memories.
And paste on a smile.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Tales of Rituals and the Supernatural
Cambodians also believe that the Srei Ap is afraid of thorns and small sharp objects. As such, thorns are placed underneath the pregnant women's bed to ward off the Srei Ap during childbirth. After the birth of the child, placentas are then hidden deep beneath the earth away from the ever hungry bodiless spirit. If the placenta is found and consumed by the Srei Ap, it is said that the spirit of the child as well as the mother would be consumed and they would both die.
In fear of the Srei Ap, the Cambodian culture of burying placentas are still practiced today. In fact there are resemblances to our Malaysian legend of Penanggalan, "head with dancing intestines". Small altars, offerings made from bamboo and stone statues of the Buddha are set up outside and inside houses to ward off evil spirits and this occurrence is similar to the traditions in Malaysia, despite its modernity.
There is the annual ritual of Pchum Ben during September where the living set out offerings to appease the dead. It is known that this festival lasts for 15 days and during this period, the gates of hell are opened and spirits roam the earth to satisfy their hunger. Food is offered by the people and presented to the monks living in temples. This is where the ritual of incense, meditation and chants begins to placate the restless souls of dead ancestors and relatives. The people are also required to pay homage in at least seven temples and on the 15th day, the locals light a candle and follow chanting monks around the sanctuary for those who died alone and have no one to set out offerings for them.
This tradition lives on today but is not practiced by many from the younger generation. Instead of attending the ritual, they provide money and food to their living relatives in turn to represent their filial duty. This annual festival bears a resemblance to our local Hungry Ghost festival in which spirits are released from the gates of hell and wander the land in search for offerings which mainly consist of food.
People think that Cambodia is more haunted than ever, especially the locals. According to Watanap, a female waitress at the local bar, an astonishing eight out of ten locals believe in spirits and ghostly apparitions, most of them being females. Although most of Cambodia's citizens are Buddhists, these tales of horror stem from a pre-Buddhist shamanistic tradition of rituals and prayers to spirits for protection.
Due to Cambodia's sad and melancholic history during the time of the Khmer Rouge rule where many died and were not given proper burials, locals have been plagued with guilt for the dead who were not laid to rest.

We are surrounded daily by stories and folklore of spirits of the dead haunting the living with their presence. Walking daily in Siem Reap, I pass by altars in stores and buildings that have been set up to protect the people from evil spirits. On a personal note, I believe in the afterlife and that everyone has a ghostly story to tell. After listening to these stories told by the locals, the dark streets of Siem Reap seem to have changed from mundane to mysterious.
Friday, July 11, 2008
If I lose any of my photos I took during Angkor Wat and my many other photos, I will cry.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
The 7th Wonder of The World - Icy Cold Ankor Beer
The first changing of leaves. A winter breeze on a day in Spring. Snow falling and softly landing on the willow tree.
Things you would not find in
However, you would be able to find sweat-soaked tourists running around the streets of Siem Reap.
It’s day 2 of our study trip in
I walked from Popular Guest House and immediately was struck with the extreme heat that made Cambodia Cambodia. The heat gave very little life to the students of Monash. Even as I sit here and write, I could feel my body producing tears of hate. If my body could speak, it would say “WHY ARE YOU TORTURING ME?”. It would also say “Feed me!”.
Food here is friggin’ cheap. For 1USD I could get a plate of yummy noodles or a French bread filled with what seems to be pork and vegetables. Or you could get a small bag of fried crickets and pour it down your throat like our very brave Maxine.
We were gathered at Wat Damnak (Wat in Khmer for Monastery and Damnak meaning
Today’s session really did speak to me. Depika Suerchan’s presentation on housing rights for citizens and evictions was well put together and as she was showing us pictures and documentaries on how the authorities react in forced evictions, I remembered seeing children following us on the way to Wat Damnak and wondered if their families were evicted from their homes only to find no place to live. The vivid images of families with small children having their homes torn down only to have a skyscraper built in place of their sanctuary really pisses me off. The feeling of helplessness and not being able to do anything about it makes me frustrated even more.
This is why you should vote for me for World President. There would be no war. There would be no anger. There would only be Communism…
And good cheap beer.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
2 Days Later...
One minute.
For every puff.
I think I lost about a couple of years.
So I decided to quit smoking. Not because it's bad for the health, it's because it's just getting too damn expensive. I've calculated, I buy cigarettes for RM8.20 which would last me two to three days during the week and a day during the weekend. That's a whooping 150+ bucks that I spend solely on cigarettes for a month!
I remember back in the days when I started smoking, cigarettes used to be cheap and cost like...5 bucks. Now smoking has become part of the luxurious lifestyle and I for one will not buy into this culture. I shall quit when I'm ahead. And it's good to have friends beside you who want to quit as well. Just so there's a check every now and then. Good support system.
So how am I doing it? Cold turkey. I smoked my last cigarette on the 30th of June at exactly 11.35PM. It's been over 24 hours and I think I'm doing well. I'm replacing an addiction with another addiction - eating ChaCheer Kua Chi (Sunflower seeds) and now I have a sore throat.
Gosh darn it, I'm in desperate need of a cigarette.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I'm Turning You In, You Turn Me Out

I got home and started reminiscing about things that time had stolen from me. A big part of it was listening to music. I remember sitting in my room with my computer and searching for songs that I heard from Rage. The most prominent band I've ever heard is the band George (the song you're listening to now on my mp3 player). The moment I heard them live on Rove, I was flabbergasted and immediately went online to see whether I could get a download of their song. Couldn't find it anywhere, so I trolled the streets of the Central Business District in hunt for their album. I popped it into my computer and opened a can of beer and sat there, mesmerized by Katie and Tyrone Noonan's haunting melodies.
It absolutely fantastic.
I loved it.
I love it still.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
When Ethan Met Jerry & Harry, The Shit Hits The Fan
I for one am the sort of person who believes in second chances, maybe even thirds whether in a relationship or just plain being friends. However, I am also the sort of person who would cut ties completely if I feel like I'm being subjected to displacement. My tactic is to not pick up any of the person's calls, not to reply any of their messages and avoid seeing them in public.
This tactic has lead me into deep shit with one of my good friend's ex-boyfriend. To tell this tale is to trace this story back to its original root, the time when I met Jerry.
I met Jerry when I was working at the local watering hole as a waiter. We got along very well, went on several trips together and had long chats about his "boyfriend", Harry. Don't get me wrong, Jerry and I were very good friends. He would spend nights just talking about how much he loved his Harry, how Harry left him and even though he's with another guy, Jerry would still continue his love for him and all that sort of crap. At first I thought it was very romantic of him to still be in love with his ex-boyfriend and waiting for him to go back to Jerry. And get back together they did. That was when I met Harry, the notorious boyfriend.
Harry and I got along quite well and it was good for the next couple of a months until Harry left Jerry again for reasons that would remain a secret. So it was awkward for a while. I hung out with both of them so much that it was weird for me to see them apart. I managed for a while until I started dating Damien. It was then everything fell apart. The murderous rampage between Jerry's "love" for Harry and Harry not wanting anything to do with Jerry became a complete season of mini-series for gay men to digest while wearing their mother's pearls. I was caught in the middle again and not only that, it caused me and Damien to have a huge argument which started another chain of events that caused us to break up.
After that, I stopped hanging out with Jerry. It was too much to handle; him trying to mind-fuck Damien into his bullshit, asking me every month whether I'm dating Harry (the answer is no and will forever be a NO, I'm not attracted to him like that and vice versa. Can't he get it into this thick skull?), calling me just to check up and spy on Harry, etc.
I became a lot closer to Harry; we shared the same interests, sense of humour, activities, etc. So we started hanging out almost every single day. Then two weeks ago I received a message from Jerry, after a month or so without picking up his calls and replying his messages. He asked me again and accused me of having a relationship with Harry again. In the message he started to name the places where Harry and I had been to and told me that friends do not hang out together that much. In other words, he was trying to dictate how I should treat my friends.
I got pissed.
I replied him after weeks of carefully screening my calls and ignoring his messages and said that what I do with my friends has absolutely nothing to do with him. I told him not to patronize me and since he liked to throw the word "FRIEND" around and abuse it, that if he was any friend of mine he would not be accusing me of this time and time again. He replied and accused me again and tried to be rational and said that he has no right to tell me what to do but I should know that he is still not over him and that I should not stand in his way and stop hanging out with his beloved Harry.
I got even more pissed.
I angrily tapped away at my phone telling him that it's good for him that he is not over Harry and that it is none of my business, their relationship had already cost me to have a big argument with Damien and that if he continues to act in this manner it would cost him a friend.
After this, I figured that I should not waste my time with such utter nonsense and I deleted the next couple of text messages from Jerry without even reading it.
He tried calling me the next couple of days after that incident; 50 over times on a Tuesday, 30 over on a Wednesday and a couple of random ones the following days, totaling it to a whooping 100+ calls! He also sent me a couple of messages and as usual, I ignored it and chucked it in the trash.
Just yesterday I went down to Port Dickson with my friends to have a barbecue and get drunk over Vodka Jello, beer and my disgustingly yummy spiked fruit punch. The food was good, the mood was elevating and it was pretty awesome to say the least, all to be ruined by a single message from Jerry.
I hate to cut and paste but I don't know how else to elaborate on this.
I don't know what to say to that, or even how to react. So I just forwarded this message to Harry and then told him that I do not want any trouble from Jerry and please ask him to fuck the hell off from my life and if he is planning to do anything to cause trouble, I will contact the police immediately (a tactic formerly used on random strangers who harass me on the phone).
An hour later I received another message from Jerry.
What the fuck did I do to deserve being threatened? Because I am hanging out with Harry? And why the fuck should I listen to Jerry and care about his feelings? It's not like he bothered about mine when I broke up with Damien or the times that I got my heart crushed. All he did was just relate it to him and Harry and talk about their problems and how it is even worse for him.
That selfish little fuck is insane. He seriously has lost his marbles and instead of taking it out on the person that's responsible for his obsession and craziness, he takes it out on me. Not only that, now he has resorted to threats to achieve his goal.
As I said, I do NOT like being threatened.
If it's a game of threat and chance he wants, then let the game begin.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Tradition Lives On
Last year I spent my faux birthday with a couple of friends and got drunk. On the real day my mother got me a cake. She was watching her Wa Lai Toi on Astro after dinner and I had to wait for a commercial before I went downstairs, lit the candles and call her to come down to cut the cake with me. After I blew out the candles, she went back to her Hong Kong series whilst I took out the candles and dumped it in the garbage and put the half cut cake back in. We didn't even eat it. I received a birthday message the next day.
The circle of life does go on and I continue to force myself to be happy. Today it was cut short when I was speaking to my father about application of jobs here. He didn't have time and wanted to speak to me tomorrow. I asked him if he knew what day it was tomorrow.
He replied, "....Thursday."
I don't think he remembers my birthday every year and has to be reminded by my mother or my sister whereas the day of my sister's birth is imprinted in his skull.
So I sit here.
I write.
I listen to Billie Holiday.
The only person I know of in more pain than I am in now.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
I shall look forward. Look forward I shall, to an era of working till I drop dead and retire. What a fabulous life it is.
Anyway I manage to get a couple of shots (with the help of my paparazzi friend) of the vigil I went to in Kamunting. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
BMW - Bitching, Moaning, Whining.

In these past few days I've been slightly blue and I can't seem to pinpoint the reason why, so I'm going to be lazy and uncreative and list the reasons here.
Ethan's Excuses For Being Blue
1) Exam stress.
2) The realization that I'm graduating and I will no longer be a student. The transition from study to work is frightening.
3) Leaving Malaysia for work.
4) Listening to emo music these past few days.
5) The time of the year. June.
In my past entries, I have always been bitching about the fact that my birthday sucked and this year, it's not going to be any different; I'm going to sit here and whine and moan like an old man in an old folk's home being visited by his unfilial family.
Think about it, I'm a year closer to death. I'm going to have to be matured and grow up. I'll be 24, not 23, not 22, not 19 (Ethan CAN count!). This sucks big time.
Watch out world. I'm a bitter old man in the making.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
A Date With Destiny
-Hunger by Lan Samantha Chang-
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Biodata Shmiodata
Ethan was born out of a rock and became a flower at the tender age of 16. Traveling up the wall, reaching for the roof; he waters himself daily and covers himself with fertilizer and makes sure he gets enough sunlight to grow. Grow he did, into a beautiful butterfly. It stares at victims with its beady eyes, watching them go about their daily business. The butterfly snares its prey through its wings and unhinges its jaws to swallow the prey whole. The food is then digested through acids and screams for mercy as its skin slowly dissolves into a massive pulp of flesh. What a pretty butterfly! *floats away*
How random.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Most Haunted

We live in a society where religion plays a big part of our lives; being Buddhist, Taoist, Muslim, Christian - we all separate ourselves into certain religious groups and identities. The thing that ties our identities together is the fact that we all believe in spirits; whether it's angelic or demonic is up to us to decide.
In oriental cultures, we believe in ghosts; spirits that come back from the dead to finish unfinished businesses and haunt the living. I am currently being haunted by several ghosts. Ghosts that seem to disrupt my life and send me in a whirlpool of emotions. Ghosts of my relationships past.
I see them everywhere. The picture we took together in Genting, where we looked like nothing could kill our love for each other, quietly and strategically placed in the corner of my room. The gift he gave me out of the blue, just to cheer me up. The teddy bear he sent to me lying on my bed, its black eyes seem to stare at me with pity. I am haunted everyday of my life, knowing that my relationships failed and could never again be resurrected.
A friend once told me, "You would know when you encounter a ghost; the hairs on your back would stand up and you would get cold shivers. So when you encounter a ghost (pauses and knocks on wood), you just have to acknowledge it and ask it to leave."

I thought that ending relationships were like encounters with ghosts - you acknowledge its presence and ask it to leave. That was exactly what I did in my previous relationship.
But now I just feel more haunted than ever.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Looking Forward To Looking Back On These Days
1) Assignment deadlines popping everywhere.
2) Exams coming up real soon. (Super Stress Power!)
3) Com-poo-ter got struck by lightning during a storm; replaced motherboard and power supply for a whooping RM550.
4) Assignment due the day after com-poo-ter got struck.
5) Stumbled across an ex's profile to see that he's dating a guy that I was interested in. (Sigh...)
6) Bumped into another ex in a supermarket (of all places!) to find that he's with the guy that he had a thing with while he was with me.
7) Got molested by some guy after I passed out from drinking too much. Okay, maybe this is a good thing so I shall put it in my Happy section.

I'm suddenly overwhelmed with the feeling of insecurity. Everyone seems capable of moving on a having a sustainable relationship. So why can't I? I refuse to believe that Fate hasn't handed me the right guy yet or that it's written in stone that I will be a bachelor forever.
It's alright if it's one failed relationship or maybe two, but going through various ways of heartbreak, I've got to ask myself; is it me?!?!
I've been good. I've been faithful. I've tried the monogamous approach to relationships. Still I can't seem to find a reason to why I'm not able to sustain a long term relationship. And the question still rings on in my head, the question I dread being asked; why are you still single? Like hell I know! And there's always the generic answer from them - "Oh maybe you're just too picky".
Excuse me, while I recap my life. I've dated the undesirables. Trust me, they're equally as bad.

Mayhap answers will come to me when I least expect it.
So I'll wait.
And I'll wait.
And I'll wait.
But only till the next guy who comes along.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Stalker Potential
I just went for this Alternative Book Fair held at the Central Market Annexe and damn there were a lot of things happening such as the talks given by Farish Noor and a couple of other intellectuals (I would write their name here but I totally forgot). I paid attention to their talks of course, but with my eyes wandering around and iRaping men. Yum yum. What a good day Saturday was. The energy was fantastic and I have a new victim to stalk (hoo-ray for art). A very yummilicious artist by the name of Mun Kao. I bought a shirt from him knowing very well I wouldn't be able to fit in it. That's how sad I am. But let's face it, it's for a good cause; supporting cute artists.
Yeap, I shall stalk him until he agrees to be mine and mine forever. HUAHAHAHAAHA!
He's THAT Fergielicious.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Hello Whiskey? It's Me, Ethan
I refuse to hate him. What's the point? Lying cheating bastards don't deserve to be hated or even any feelings felt towards them.
So I turn to my good old friend, Mr Johnnie Walker. He's been around since I learnt how to love.
Anyway guys with looks, money, wit, charisma, they all come and go. What matters is having a fantastic bottle of whiskey near.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Murder On The Study Table

My table is piled with notes and books on Feminism and Post Colonial theories as well as notes on immigrants from Third World Countries. My deadline for my Mobile Worlds: Immigration and Refugees assignment is due on Friday, I have a presentation tomorrow which should be spoken in Malay and the fact that my Post Colonial and Diaspora Literature assignment (worth 40%) is due on Monday doesn't help my sanity one bit. Ass-ignments are piling day by day and the deadline is getting closer by the second.
My brain is about to explode.
Don't kill me.
I'm already dead.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Bangkok Fever
I took a couple of photos and will probably upload more since I couldn't bring my non-waterproof camera out during Songkran. Anyway, I was fiddling around with the camera trying to gain some experience in shots and stuff I learnt from my photographer friends. Enjoy.