Arrival, on the boat to San Zaccaria
One of the stations: Tronchetto
The place we stayed at, we had to walk 3 flights of steep stairs which was quite dangerous. Quaint place though.
The name of the place we stayed. We had to walk through this short alleyway to get to our accommodation.
Taken right outside the alleyway. So once we came out, this is what we saw.
The infamous canals of Venice.
The Museum on Saint Mark's Square. Just 5 minutes away from our cosy accommodation.
This is Saint Mark's Square.
One of the many churches in Venice. Also in Saint Mark's Square. Inside, we weren't allowed to take photos and you had to pay to go into various areas. I also helped out a Nun inside! How saintly is that?
The infamous Zodiac clock. The passageway underneath the clock led to...shops such as Gucci, Cartier, etc.
My windblown awful hair. I'm so glad I had it cut when I got back. I bought corn kernels and fed the pigeons (a.k.a. the rats of the sky) when I got attacked by a horde of them. This is the result.
You didn't think I missed taking pictures of the Gondolas did you? I didn't sit in it though, it was like 20 to 50 Euros just to breeze through one of the canals in Venice. Sigh...
Every 10 to 15 minutes walk there's always a statue of some saint or some thing or some one.
The details were incredible. I managed to get a close look at it.
After spending way too much time around Saint Marcos Square, we decided to venture out to another street and got lost. But we did manage to find this War Memorial Site which had a cannon in it. I was stopped from going in any further because we weren't supposed to be inside.
So came nightfall. We ventured onto the infamous Rialto Bridge. Beautiful sight, breathtaking scenery. Made me wish I came with a lover instead of my family.
This is the Rialto bridge. Filled with small shops selling Murano glass, the amazingly beautiful Venetian masks and jewelery.
The scenery was so amazing I had to take one with some of my family members. My dad is in it too! Can you see the black shading on top of my head? That's his finger blocking the whole top.
This is how the Rialto Bridge looks like from below.
Pizzas here are HUGE! And thick. And yummy. I had lasagne the whole time I was there. Oh how I miss the food...
Sunny day in Venice. With uber cold winds blowing in our face sending chills up and down our spines. I miss the weather as well...
Paolo Sarpi. What did I say about statues of people and things being everywhere? It's true. I didn't get to read about this guy though, everyone suddenly just disappeared on me.
So this concludes the tour of my journey in Venice and London. I hope you had a pleasant time going through my pictures! Next stop: Bangkok.
Note to viewers - If you had problem viewing any of the pictures please message me and tell me which one so I can fix it. Thanks!
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