I had to do an interpretation of my theme in my Writing workshop today. I decided to do a serious short instead of acting it out or singing, etc.
So I laid out several magazine advertisements which are usually the epitome of gender construction (my theme) and one of my mother's old clothing and one of my old t-shirts on the table. I also had a pair of scissors, a ruby red lipstick and nail polish. I blindfolded myself to represent society's ignorance to it's gender construction. I sat like a marionette and waited for my cue to start (which is the music that was played during the whole act).

That was when I picked up the lipstick and started to draw on the magazine adverts. This symbolizes the effect of make-up. I dropped the lipstick and then picked up the nail polish and poured it all over the adverts, destroying it. Yet it is not enough, so I tore the adverts and tossed it on to the ground. The pieces are still there though, signifying however hard we try to break free of these stereotypes, it will still remain.

Then I picked up the pair of scissors and started to cut through the clothes. It was intense, since I was blindfolded and I didn't know what I was cutting. Crazy as it sounds, my writing class was dead silent during my whole act. I found out later it wasn't because they enjoyed it, they paid close attention because they were afraid I might cut my finger off or something. I timed it well and I think I did good. There were some who didn't bother putting in effort and read it out like the Vagina monologue. But all in all we had quite a bit of fun, some were entertaining whilst others were intense. See, this is why I take Writing, the most interesting people are always in my class.

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