We are often critiqued and judged almost every single day in our lives; especially in Malaysia where we are surrounded by Holier-Than-Thou personalities in every corner we turn. As I sat across from a University friend, critiquing her writing, it occurred to me that some people can not take criticisms very well. My friend did take it as positive and constructive criticism, although I suspect she's not really listening to me at all.

That got me thinking; do we really have the right to critique the people around us, or dare I say judge complete strangers? We do it everyday of our lives without even realizing it. Putting on our Judge's robes and pointing fingers at people, telling what they should do and what they shouldn't, is that really human nature? Or are we basically nurtured into thinking that it is human nature to judge?
I recently got a bad review from an ex of mine telling me I shouldn't be doing this and that, as well as being shocked to certain things I have done. This coming from a 31 year old man who on the last conversation we had called me a dickhead. I suppose we do want to fit into this mould of being perfect, so no one can be able to criticize or point their witchy-poo finger at us. But what happens if you do something that breaks this mould of perfection?

Everyone knows that it takes a lifetime to build a great and fantastic reputation, but it only takes one bad review to shatter it all. I'm pondering, since I'm not seen as a saint in the eyes of people, why should I make myself one? I might as well do whatever the hell I want and live my life carefree of being judged.

Life is too short to be so self-aware and creating this "image" for oneself. So why not live life the way you want?
As long as you know the difference from right and wrong, I say go for it.
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