Finally I said, "Because you're not significant enough for me to be blogging about."
I don't think he visits my blog anymore.
I recently handed in my registration form for a film-making class; hopefully it'll inspire me to be creative as well as give me a good reason to live. I also handed my registration form for the study trip to Siam Reap and I just received news that I am the selected few that will be visiting the beautiful and sad country.
Life has been settling down, I'm attending classes (I should be in one right now but decided against it since it's such a lovely rainy evening and it shouldn't be wasted constraint in an underground lecture hall), my love life is going fairly well, I've been busy with activities that I set up for myself and I am hoping the messy friendship status would clear itself up without my presence.

I'm also heading to Bangkok next week on the 9th to the 14th which is a fantastic get-away from the hectic life in Malaysia.
I'm feeling rather content with myself apart from a few minor details. Things seem to be coming into place.
Except for one incident that happened a few days ago. I was driving along the roads of Petaling Jaya (Kota Damansara to be exact) when a small incident happened. I was signaling to turn to the left lane since I needed to turn left to head back to my place when this bitch from hell charged straight into the left lane and didn't let me through. I was signaling for 3 minutes and she still didn't let me through. She also had the decency to look straight at me from her new Midnight Blue Honda Civic with the plastic covers still in tact and gave me the most evil and snobbish look that I had ever seen. I was pissed. And I was going to raise hell. She probably didn't know that hell hath no fury than a poked bear.
So she turned left and I turned left. She then slowed down drastically and almost caused me to hit into her. I overtook her to pleasantly see that she was on the phone, probably securing the pact she made with Lucifer about her army of evil bitches going through their periods overtaking Earth. Rage seethed through my body and I felt my eyes burning with anger. What would you do if you were in my position?

So I went back into her lane, making sure I was in front of her. I slowed down to a painstakingly turtle pace and waited for her to overtake me. When she did, I sped and went over to the next lane, making very sure she was stuck behind me for the stretch on the road. I repeated this a couple of times until she got really pissed and tried to overtake me again when I really sped up and made sure she fell behind. Our cars almost smacked into each other and she slammed her brakes. It was then I heard the screaming of the horns from her car.
Then my car window came down and all she saw was my arm and a middle finger sticking out as I sped off into the sunset.
Yes. I know. I need anger management classes.
You hate ladies, don't ya? Nice one :)
That oughta teach her a lesson xD But messing on the road is dangerous =X Do take care. xD
You should let her kiss your butt. Then will start another caption...
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