Wednesday, January 10, 2007

2nd Stop: Prague

prague is such a beautiful city with such a sad past. this is one of the first few photos i took in prague and i loved it coz everyone there was so gloomy and down but this child was happily skipping with her mother and tripped and then got up with a bright smile on her face. the buildings are so old and it's unbelievable, knowing that i am touching something that's over a few centuries old and no i'm not talking about elton john. the weather there was -2 degrees and it was freezing cold, even worse than london and if u know me, i loved every bit of it.
after settling into our hotel which was pretty fabulous i might say, we went out to get some local food and beer! the food portion there was humungous and yummy! the beer was like elixer to me, so i had a couple and started talking giberish to my granddad in the corner there. he laughed it off and we had more drinks until my mother started complaining that we were disgraceful asians in a foreign country so we had to stop.

since we only had 3 days there and i didnt bring my phone charger (crap...) i had very little time to go exploring and take photos of everything i saw. this is the famous charles bridge (if i remember correctly). i was walking alone around the city that night and this's so haunting and beautiful at the same time. there were statues every 20 feet on the bridge, i couldnt take the photo coz it was too dark. i felt so....lonely weirdly enough. it was such a beautiful place and here i am whining again, but i was literally alone. i sorta understand why the Czechs are so depressed most of the time.

it's amazing how they put such a modern spin to buildings that are a few centuries old. i took this photo on my way back to the hotel. on the right hand side there was a huge club with techno music blasting it's way out into the streets. speaking of music, i noticed that the people in prague loved oldies, in every restaurant or store i went into there were music and it came from the 70s and 80s. i now understand more of why the Czechs are depressed.

this is the last photo i took in prague. i saved up my most of my battery for this and it was worth it. this is the famous Astrological Clock near the palace. i dont really know how it works, the tour guide was explaining it but i was too busy...umm...checking out other things. yeah there was a cute korean dude on my tour ride. i'm such a dingbat. but i did pay attention to some of the things he said, like stuff he said when we visited the Palace and if the flag is up, the president is in the palace, the church that took 600 years to build (which was extremely beautiful), the jewish holocaust and the obelisk that was built for the jewish people who died during the holocaust, the market which the astrological clock was built near, etc. ooo cute korean guy...

it snowed the day before i took this photo during the night, and it was beautiful. this is the first time in 12 years that i've seen snow. even though it was just a couple of hours during the was the epitome of beauty. it covered the streets like a white blanket and as soon as it arrived it was gone the next day. my sister and i did have a snowball fight which ended abruptly after my parents and my grand dad got hit in the bum....not by me though

so the prague trip was over, we went back to london where we spent the next few days returning the clothes that we bought during the x-mas sale that we didnt try on and bought and couldnt fit in. I CANT BELIEVE I CANNOT FIT INTO A XL T-SHIRT FROM TOPMAN! that really pissed me i really that big? no, wait...dont answer that.

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