so after a long rest the first day, the second day we decided to go out, it was about 3 degrees and it was friggin cold, and no that's not me wrapped up in 5 pieces of clothing, that's just me with a shirt underneath that huge jacket, and yes i'm fat. hahaha the cigarette in my hand was quite distasteful...
my first meal in london, yeah their portions are pretty huge and i loved it. i gained so much weight but who the hell cares! it's LONDON BABY! btw this meal cost me about RM40 so being malaysian, i inhaled everything. i didnt take any photos after this but i did alittle bit of shopping the whole day
this was taken at my aunt's shop, she sold hats and stuff so i took the chance to try on everything she's got. my sister and my cousin soon joined in and i'm not tooting my own horn here but we looked damn fine in those hats that i had to get not one, but two and bring it back here.
yeap we wore those hats back, and with my hair being dry and unmanagable i wore it home back to my aunt's place. we had to take a photo with part of my family in camden town.
second day in london, well this was taken on the first day but i totally forgot about it. hahaha yeah it was freezing cold and it was fantastic. me loves the cold weather!
what do chinese people do when they're in a foreign place? check out chinatown of corz! had a horrible meal there and vowed never to step into a chinatown restaurant ever again...until the next day.
me and my cousins bumming and chilling out at home. of corz after a busy day of endless walking, there must be a time to go out and have fun...but where?
where else but a gay bar in london with my best friend. what do u think? i would step into a straight bar and get harrassed by straightees? no way, i had loads of fun and engulfed shots after shots and whiskey and jelly shots and i cant really remember what happened that night.
hell yeah i went clubbing after getting drunk. it was time to get down, dirty and sweaty (literally) with the crowd and we rocked it.
nah we didnt rock it, we brought it on till 4 in the morning and took an exhausting bus ride home and i passed out on the living room couch. what happened in that club? sorry, i dont kiss and tell...
yeah the next day was full of shopping again. after the long day my mom and my aunt and uncle passed by this street where Stella McCartney's boutique was! whoopie~ i've never seen her designs so i was outside oogling at what she had to offer...wasnt exactly a big hoot though.
so london trip stop, PRAGUE~!
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