Friday, April 27, 2007


i went for a play with C recently, my first ever play apart from the one that i've participated during my grade school days. it was called Screwed, a compilation of short stories which were then made into a theatre production. i must say, for my first play in yonkers it was fantastic. i especially loved the Mirror Has Two Faces bit where there were two actresses; each one sorta facing each other doing the same thing (like when one was brushing her teeth with her right hand the other one was used her left). it was precisely timed and even though there werent any dialogue, it spoke to me. there was this part where they were both laying down, and one of them was crying out loudly and shrieking and the other was laughing insanely. it sent shivers down my spine to see how innovative the whole piece was.

to me it was like living two lives in this woman's head, schitzophrenia if u will. in the end they both stabbed themselves and the crying one died while the insane laughing girl walks off. it was so powerful...and it was fantastic.

talking about fantastic, life has still given me the chance to enjoy whatever i have at the moment but there are a few major problems within my relationship with C. dont get me wrong, we're happy together. it's just that i recently found out that he's leaving to the states next year august and we both dont believe in long distance relationships. so what do we have now? a short term relationship? i'm not sure, but i feel like our relationship is like a product in the supermarket aisle, Expiration Date: AUG 2008. i think about this all the time, i know i shouldnt but i do. that's because i've already pictured us in the future, living together etc etc.

so what should i do now? i do like him alot but sometimes i wish i didnt find out, ignorance IS bliss.

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