spending the whole weekend in bed and not doing anything constructive is great. i'm down with a fever, the flu and my muscles (yes i do have some) ache. plus i have a major assignment which i havent really started yet and it's due tomorow. the migraine which has nestled itself in my head is going off like an alarm clock every 15 minutes.
that's the great thing about being sick, u're allowed to be lazy and u're not judged for it since there's a justification that u're sick so u should rest more. leave it to a professional BUM to give the world explanations such as these.
the other day i was ranting about this play called Screwed, let me bitch and moan about the ramifications of going to a play. firstly there are many gay guys there, those of whom are either checking me out or checking my boyfriend out, but mostly they're checking my boyfriend out and wondering why in the world is he with me. well there's a simple answer for that honey, cause i'm worth it.
so the other day i saw cheryl and she said she needed to speak to me so i pulled her aside and asked her what's up. she asked me whether i knew rachel, the girl who was in Screwed so i said yes i met her on sunday after the play.

then cheryl continued, "oh, cause rachel asked me whether u were gay so i said yes. and then she said someone was interested in you so she wanted to hook u guys up."
i was like...HUH? i was there with C and we were pretty much holding hands throughout the whole play, well we werent really holding hands but we were being touchy feely.
i wanted to know who it was rachel wanted to set me up with so i told cheryl not to tell her that i had a boyfriend and to ask her who it was. so a few days came to pass and cherly suddenly smsed me out of the blue and said:
"it's the professor guy in the play"
WHAT! i didnt even know he was gay, i just thought he was a good actor. but he looks awfully familiar and i cant exactly place my finger on where i've seen him before.
so there are bitchy artsy fartsy people who attend plays and theatre productions such as these, who actually think they're alot more cultured than most people when they're being sucked into this whole scheme of being a colonial slave. the worst of these are bitchy GAY artsy fartsy people who actually think they're better than anyone else and rather not talk to people who arent on the same "level" as themselves.
well it was a good experience though, i think i'm pretty cultured when it comes to my westernized malaysian heritage, i think i'm pretty westernized in that sense but to come to think of it, what is being asian? what is being western? what are Asian values? i think these terms are coined up by people who actually believe they're trying to separate themselves from society. to believe that u're bigger than the world is just opening urself up for attack.
it's funny cause Tengku Adnan, the malaysian miniter for tourism said "We have to show to the people our positive attitude. If the world learns from us, there will peace and no civil war."
this dude actually said this in response to the Indonesian blogger/tv journalist Nila Tanzil, who didnt exactly have many nice things to say about the Msian bureaucracy while she was here shooting a travel show. he basically said that all "Bloggers are liars. They use all sort of ways to cheat others. From what I know, out of 10,000 unemployed bloggers, 8,000 are women."
see? these are how malaysian politicians act. got a problem? blame someone else! dont blame the politicians for being stupid in the words and actions. malaysia boleh!
tengku adnan went on by saying "Bloggers like to spread rumours, they don't like national unity. Today our country has achievements because we are tolerant and compromising. Otherwise we will have civil war."
yes...i think we bloggers really start civil wars. if there wasnt anything wrong with the malaysian government then there wouldnt be anything for us to talk shit about.
so...Malaysia Truly Asia? think twice.
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