i had the most intense dream about being chased by the gay mafia. this time it was my friends who were part of it cause they had no choice.
anyways the dream started abruptly, i was being followed by this mysterious stranger in a mall and suddenly i hop into my car and locked it. the stranger (who turned out to be Sam in a trenchcoat) got into a car infront of me with Michael at the back of the car and someone sitting in the passenger seat. i looked into my rearview mirror and i saw this car coming fast and straight at me, which was funny cause i was side parked. anyways the car rammed at me in full force and i hit the car with sam and michael in it. so i knew something was wrong and i started the engine and sped off. it was a high speed car chase, the ones u see in the movies where u swerve and dodge cars like crazy. so finally i ran out of petrol and i lost the insane car guy, i saw a 5 star hotel (i think it was the hilton, but it was definitely classier) and ran into it.
with my credit card i got myself a room. i went up the elevator and changed into a different outfit got back into the elevator to head back down to the lobby. then the elevator stopped, and since it was clear glass i could see the people outside wondering what was happening. then i saw them being ushered by a whole bunch of police. i pulled out my magazine and pretended to read, while this officer broke open the door and asked to see I.D.s. i gave my I.D. and then hid my face behind the magazine. he then grabbed me and forced me out the elevator and onto this high top table where i waited to see the gay mafia ring leader.
the ring leader was no other than Biau Jie, this friend of mine. and she was with her "kids" and a nanny and she sat across from me. i asked her why she was trying to kill me and she said that i knew too much and was going around telling people about it. i didnt understand...what was IT? then Sam appeared along with my other friends and i told BJ that it was me, i never said anything ya hear?!!? then she said, "well someone did...and if it's not u...then it's U!"
she pointed at sam and immediately his head exploded. BJ really does have magical powers. so she apologised for the rough time that she has been giving me and left. then i woke up cause my phone started ringing. damn gay men with their incessant need to call me....
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